
Windows Schedule Failed to start.

Reference URL:

  1. https://songvacongnghe.blogspot.com/2017/02/loi-task-scheduler-failed-to-start.html
  2. https://systemadminguide.wordpress.com/2014/12/17/windows-task-scheduler-error-2147943730-reported/

Windows Schedule Failed to start.
Error Msg:
Task Scheduler failed to start "\Microsoft\Windows\Backup\Microsoft-Windows-WindowsBackup" task for user "Machine###\user_id". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943730.

Actual caused from Error Value:
Finally, open command prompt, type net helpmsg 1330 and you will get an idea of what 2147943730 means. Simply, 2147943730 means Logon failure: the specified account password has expired.
By systemadminguide


RI Binaries?

The term "Reference Implementation" (RI) relates to the JCP JSR triform delivery of Spec... more at below:


RI Binaries (build 1.8.0_40-b25) under the GNU General Public License version 2

Found the term RI in post below


The term "Reference Implementation" (RI) relates to the JCP JSR triform delivery of Spec, RI, and TCK. OpenJDK produces the RI for each platform JSR at the point it goes GA, as you can see on the page you linked to above. The RI binaries for Java 8 and Java 11 are published once and don't change.

So it seems we are talking about hosting builds of the JDK8 updates and JDK11 stream JDK updates projects' releases - but we do that already. So what is the ask? That we host binaries of those releases that are built by Red Hat rather than AdoptOpenJDK?

The mission for AdoptOpenJDK is to have an "open and auditable" build, test, and distribution community. I don't yet see the proposal for how we achieve that by taking binaries built elsewhere. Is the plan that we link to Red Hat's open build system/build definitions somehow?