
全 #Lesley [Legend V] #MVP 7.7/6 4 6 | $13383 202206142025


全 #Lesley [Legend V] #MVP 7.7/6 4 6 | $13383 202206142025 https://youtu.be/tnp0nELuY8Q via @YouTube #MLBB 

Java does new instance consume many memory


Found: https://stackoverflow.com/a/258150

Measurement methods

You can use Instrumentation.getObjectSize() to obtain an estimate of the storage consumed by an object.

eclipse maven "JUnit" "javaagent"

refer to: https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/10648886/7778852398276118981

eclipse maven "JUnit" "javaagent"


eclipse maven "JUnit" "javaagent"

Found this:


You can use ea-agent-loader

With it loading an agent in runtime will look like:

public class HelloAgentWorld
    public static class HelloAgent
        public static void agentmain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst)
            System.out.println("Hi from the agent!");
            System.out.println("I've got instrumentation!: " + inst);

    public static void main(String[] args)
        AgentLoader.loadAgentClass(HelloAgent.class.getName(), "Hello!");

全 #Rafaela [Epic I] #MVP 9.6/4 3 21 | $8313 202205281332 https://youtu.be/jUNpF3a8HPI via @YouTube #MLBB


全 #Rafaela [Epic I] #MVP 9.6/4 3 21 | $8313 202205281332 https://youtu.be/jUNpF3a8HPI via @YouTube #MLBB 


eclipse added hotkey for svn actions are not working.

It may be due to this breaking change in Eclipse 3.6:



Looks like it definitely is. See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=309074. Here's the fix:

In the "Customize Perspective" dialog, go to the "Command Groups Availability" tab and check "Team" and "SVN".

In Eclipse Mars.2 (4.5.2) this is under Window->Perspective->Customize Perspective... dialog, "Action Set Availability" tab. (Try to restart Eclipse if it doesn't work after you change it). Customize Perspective dialog screenshot

Right click on current perspective:

Click on Customize...

Click on "Action Set Availability"

From Available action sets column:

Tick / Check the SVN checkbox, then Apply and Close.

Tested without restart eclipse, the hot key is working now.