
ajax, upload file, json string, Spring Controller, DTO


Googled: json to dto spring boot controller

Resolved by follow the example on: 

Spring Boot controller - Upload Multipart and JSON to DTO

thread solution at: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49993072

Ajax Javascript
formData.append( 'dtoName', new Blob([JSON.stringify(dtoJavascriptObject)], {
type: "application/json"

Spring Controller parameter

@RequestPart ManualGenerateCsv dtoName

couldn't parse json attribute to java object attribute.


private boolean isRequiredFtpToSSS;

public void setRequiredFtpToSSS(boolean isRequiredFtpToSSS) {
this.isRequiredFtpToSSS = isRequiredFtpToSSS;

Since your attribute name: isRequiredFtpToSSS
Due to jackson is expecting: setIsRequiredFtpToSSS
But there has no "is for the auto generated setter: setRequiredFtpToSSS

So u have to add this.

private boolean isRequiredFtpToSSS;

Jackson JSON parsing from string to date.


@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MMM-dd")
private Date dateFrom;

not sure if were causing by:
MethodArgumentConversionNotSupportedException when I try to map json string onto java domain class in Spring controller's method

jquery 3.3.1 change checkbox checked


Make checkbox value checked with jQuery or JavaScript
but seems not the same case.

the one i'm using.

$("#chkHasDateTo").prop('checked', dto.hasDateTo);

But i remember there are more elegant way to do the same thing....

Jquery Datepicker: click on a checkbox, then open/pop datepicker of a textbox.


click on a checkbox, then open/pop datepicker of a textbox.

$( "#dateTo" ).trigger( "select" );
$( "#dateTo" ).trigger( "focus" );