Reference URL:
Scripts to extract to run in console:
var aryH2 = jQuery.find( "h2" ); var allPlaces=""; for( objH2 of aryH2 ){ allPlaces += "<br />" + objH2.innerText + "<br />" + objH2.nextElementSibling.innerText + "<br /><br />"; }
var aryH2 = jQuery.find( "h2" ); var allPlaces=""; for( objH2 of aryH2 ){ if( objH2.previousElementSibling.tagName == "H6" ){ allPlaces += "<br /><br /><br />" + objH2.previousElementSibling.innerText +"" ; } allPlaces += "<br />" + objH2.innerText + "<br />" + objH2.nextElementSibling.innerText + "<br /><br />"; } console.log( allPlaces )
var aryLocation = jQuery.find( "h2" );var objLocationDescription, objLocationArray, objLocationShop, objLocationMap; var strTmp="", strAllPlaces="";var strHTML_NEXT_LINE = "<br />";for( objH2_Title of aryLocation ){ objLocationDescription = objH2_Title.nextElementSibling; if( objH2_Title.previousElementSibling.tagName == "H6" ) { strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = "========================================"; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = objH2_Title.previousElementSibling.innerText; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = "========================================"; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); } strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = "--------------------"; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = objH2_Title.innerText; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = "--------------------"; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = objLocationDescription.innerText; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
// console.log( "objLocationDescription.innerText====================" + objLocationDescription.innerText );
objLocationArray = objLocationDescription.nextElementSibling; /* while ( objLocationArray.tagName != "P" ) { console.log( "in loop objLocationArray.tagName|" + objLocationArray.tagName ); objLocationArray = objLocationArray.nextElementSibling; } */ var test1 = 1; var tagShopOrMap; do{ if ( !objLocationArray ) break; if ( objLocationArray.children.length == 0 ) { if ( objLocationArray.tagName == "A" ) { strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = objLocationArray.innerText; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = objLocationArray.href; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); } else if ( objLocationArray.tagName != "P" ) { console.log( "ggg=" + objLocationArray.tagName ); console.log( "ggg=" + objLocationArray.children.length ); console.log( "ggg=" + objLocationArray.innerText ); } else { objLocationDescription = objLocationArray; strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = objLocationDescription.innerText; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp ); strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
// Billson@2020-Feb-23_am012110 : extra info after google map iframe.// console.log( "new ==============" + objLocationDescription.innerText );
} } else { tagShopOrMap = objLocationArray.children[0]; if ( tagShopOrMap.innerText != "Day 2" && ( tagShopOrMap.tagName == "STRONG" || tagShopOrMap.tagName == "B" || tagShopOrMap.tagName == "EM" || tagShopOrMap.tagName == "SPAN" ) ) { objLocationShop = tagShopOrMap; strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE; strTmp = objLocationArray.innerText; strAllPlaces += strTmp; console.log( strTmp );
// console.log( objLocationShop.innerText ); // Billson@2020-Feb-23_am011520 : objLocationShop.innerText, will only get 地址:, instead of included next line value // Billson@2020-Feb-23_am011535, eg: 地址:32, Jalan Tukang Besi, Melaka, 75200 Melaka.<br />营业时间:8am – 6pm<br />电话:06 – 281 4089
} else if ( tagShopOrMap.tagName == "IFRAME" ) { console.log( "----------====================Google Map" ); } else if ( tagShopOrMap.tagName == "IMG" ) { } else {
// Billson@2020-Feb-23_am010241 : suppose is a Day 2, SPAN tag // console.log( "----------" ); // console.log( tagShopOrMap.tagName );
} } test1++; objLocationArray = objLocationArray.nextElementSibling; }while( !objLocationArray || objLocationArray == null || objLocationArray.tagName != "H2" );}
console.log( strAllPlaces )
var aryLocation = jQuery.find( "h2" );
var objLocationDescription, objLocationArray, objLocationShop, objLocationMap;
var strTmp="", strAllPlaces="";
var strHTML_NEXT_LINE = "<br />";
for( objH2_Title of aryLocation )
objLocationDescription = objH2_Title.nextElementSibling;
if( objH2_Title.previousElementSibling.tagName == "H6" )
strTmp = "========================================";
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = objH2_Title.previousElementSibling.innerText;
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = "========================================";
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strTmp = "--------------------";
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = objH2_Title.innerText;
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = "--------------------";
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = objLocationDescription.innerText;
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
/* console.log( "objLocationDescription.innerText====================" + objLocationDescription.innerText );
objLocationArray = objLocationDescription.nextElementSibling;
while ( objLocationArray.tagName != "P" )
console.log( "in loop objLocationArray.tagName|" + objLocationArray.tagName );
objLocationArray = objLocationArray.nextElementSibling;
var test1 = 1;
var tagShopOrMap;
if ( !objLocationArray )
if ( objLocationArray.children.length == 0 )
if ( objLocationArray.tagName == "A" )
strTmp = objLocationArray.innerText;
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = objLocationArray.href;
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
else if ( objLocationArray.tagName != "P" )
console.log( "ggg=" + objLocationArray.tagName );
console.log( "ggg=" + objLocationArray.children.length );
console.log( "ggg=" + objLocationArray.innerText );
objLocationDescription = objLocationArray;
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = objLocationDescription.innerText;
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE + strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
/* // Billson@2020-Feb-23_am012110 : extra info after google map iframe.
// console.log( "new ==============" + objLocationDescription.innerText );
tagShopOrMap = objLocationArray.children[0];
if ( tagShopOrMap.innerText != "Day 2" && ( tagShopOrMap.tagName == "STRONG" || tagShopOrMap.tagName == "B" || tagShopOrMap.tagName == "EM" || tagShopOrMap.tagName == "SPAN" ) )
objLocationShop = tagShopOrMap;
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = objLocationArray.innerText;
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
/* // console.log( objLocationShop.innerText );
// Billson@2020-Feb-23_am011520 : objLocationShop.innerText, will only get 地址:, instead of included next line value
// Billson@2020-Feb-23_am011535, eg: 地址:32, Jalan Tukang Besi, Melaka, 75200 Melaka.<br />营业时间:8am – 6pm<br />电话:06 – 281 4089
else if ( tagShopOrMap.tagName == "IFRAME" )
/* console.log( "----------====================Google Map" );
strAllPlaces += strHTML_NEXT_LINE;
strTmp = objLocationArray.innerHTML;
strAllPlaces += strTmp;
console.log( strTmp );
else if ( tagShopOrMap.tagName == "IMG" )
/* // Billson@2020-Feb-23_am010241 : suppose is a Day 2, SPAN tag
// console.log( "----------" );
// console.log( tagShopOrMap.tagName );
objLocationArray = objLocationArray.nextElementSibling;
}while( !objLocationArray || objLocationArray == null || objLocationArray.tagName != "H2" );
console.log( strAllPlaces )
Some of their photos please visit:
Compile into Google Maps:
Day 1
1. 和记鸡饭粒
早上开车到马六甲估计到达也差不多11am-12pm左右。那么就直接先去医饱肚子就对了!鸡饭粒是马六甲最出名的美食之一,所以来到马六甲当然就得吃鸡饭粒咯~ 鸡饭粒的饭店有很多,但我们自己吃过好几家最喜欢还是在鸡场街里头的和记鸡饭粒。
地址:468, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka. 营业时间:9am – 4pm 电话:06-283 4751
2. Mamee Jonker House
大家都懂马来西亚的太阳超级猛烈。吃完饭后,我们先别急着去看古迹。因为中午时分真的太炎热了,建议大家可以先去同样在鸡场街内的Mamee Jonker House。这是Mamee Monster的博物馆。里头除了贩卖Mamee的食品和纪念品以外,你也可以自制即食面和制作即食脆面。
传送门 ⇒ http://www.dsfoodtravel.com/mamee-jonker-house
地址:No 46 & 48, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka. 电话:06 – 286 7666 开放时间:Mon – Thurs 10am – 5pm (Tues Closed) | Fri – Sun 10am – 7pm
3. 红屋+Christ Church
好啦~太阳没有如此猛烈之际,我们现在就去户外看古迹。马六甲的地标之一莫过于一整排的红屋和Christ Church。来到马六甲肯定要在这里打卡拍照呀!这座教堂是荷兰时期的建筑,装潢依旧保持原貌。你可以进入教堂内参观,但必须守规矩哦~毕竟这也是教徒们的圣地。
地址:Gereja Christ, Jalan Gereja, 75000 Melaka
4. A Farmosa 古堡+圣保罗山
参观了红屋和教堂,再走个5分钟就可以看到另一个地标--A Famosa 古堡以及圣保罗山。在荷兰殖民马六甲前,葡萄牙也曾经占领马六甲。A Famosa 古堡和圣保罗山就是葡萄牙人在这里的足迹。A Famosa曾是葡萄牙人在马六甲的战略重地,而圣保罗山本也有好几间葡萄牙人的教堂和会议室。但在荷兰人入侵时,许多已被拆卸,只剩下部分骨架而已。
地址:Jalan Kota, Bandar Hilir, 75000 Melaka.
5. The Huskitory
走了那么多~是时候到咖啡馆歇息下… 这里有没有哈士奇的粉丝?介绍你到The Huskitory咖啡馆。在这里,你可以与哈士奇玩了,享受下午茶~
传送门 ⇒ https://www.facebook.com/dsfoodtravel/posts/2292036864355631
地址: 27, Jalan Taman Asean, 75250 Melaka. 电话:06 – 334 2602 开放时间:12.30pm 至 10.30pm (每周一休息)
6. Pantai Klebang
与哈士奇约完会,不妨到近期蛮热门的打卡地点-Pantai Klebang吧!先给你一个心理准备,如果要拍到好看的照片,你大约要步行15分钟才能看到一座座白白的沙~这里太阳还蛮猛烈的。接近下午5点过来也ok。
地址:5551, Jalan Tay Boon Seng, Taman Tay Boon Seng, 75200 Melaka.
7. 葡萄牙村 Portugese Settlement
在Pantai Klebang肯定让你消耗很多卡路里~拍完照后基本上已经到了晚餐时间。可以到葡萄牙村吃葡萄牙烧鱼。老实说,我们是去年才发现这个地方的(虽然很多人已经知道)。不是因为它不出名,只是因为曾经太出名,太多旅客来到这,这里的餐厅都出来拉客,让人反感,导致人潮渐渐退去。如果你遇到有人来招你,你只要跟他说你已经订桌了就好~他们就不会再打扰你。其实每家的菜肴都不相上下,只是你看看你想在哪一家吃就好。我们选择了2号。
地址:Jalan Daranjo, Perkampungan Portugis, 75050 Melaka. 开放时间:5pm – 12.30pm
8. 鸡场街 Jonker Walk
9. Capitol Satay Celup
来到马六甲,没有吃satay celup就太不像话啦!这里有好几家出名的satay celup。我们通常都是去Capitol这里吃,而且通常都是吃宵夜。你也懂的,吃串烧,你可以吃多少?一下就饿了~当小吃最为不过啦!
传送门 ⇒ http://www.dsfoodtravel.com/2016/03/capitol-satay-celup.html
地址:41, Lorong Bukit Cina, 75000 Melaka. 电话:06 – 2835508 营业时间:周二至周六 4pm – 1am/周日 5pm – 12pm(周一休息)
Day 2
10. Kaya-Kaya Cafe
马六甲有好多家特色咖啡馆。很多的早餐都蛮不错的。而我们之前就无意中走到了打铁街的Kaya-Kaya Cafe。这里其实也是民宿。如果想要方便,你可以选择在这里住上一晚。第二天直接下楼享用美味早餐。
传送门 ⇒ http://www.dsfoodtravel.com/2017/07/kaya-kaya-cafe.html
地址:32, Jalan Tukang Besi, Melaka, 75200 Melaka. 营业时间:8am – 6pm 电话:06 – 281 4089
11. 跳岛
吃完早餐,我们这就去跳岛~对!你没看错!就是跳岛游!这是马六甲全新玩法~由Bintang Selat在8月份正式推出,我们一起坐上“小黄鸭”出游咯~ 他们将带你到马六甲附近的5个岛屿。这些岛屿因为还没什么人知道,所以沙滩真的非常干净,海水又清澈。趁还没人发现前,赶快来这里玩吧!
传送门 ⇒ https://www.facebook.com/dsfoodtravel/posts/2629667623925885
如何订购? 电话:+6 014 371 5868 地址:Lot 2008 & 2009, Off Taman Kota Laksamana 3, 75200 Melaka, Malaysia. FB:http://www.facebook.com/melakaislandhopping
12. Jonker 88
地址:88, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka 电话:019-397 5665 营业时间:9.30am – 6pm
吃完午餐,是时候回家咯~ 以上是我们建议的行程,大家不一定要依照全部。只是说,如果你不想花太大心思去计划,你可以按照我们的攻略去玩哦!
DS 旅食誌