
Best Practice: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.ObjectMapper()

private static final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();

Constructing an ObjectMapper instance is a relatively expensive operation, so it's recommended to create one object and reuse it. You did it right making it final.

// Suggestion 1:
public static <T> T toObject1(final Class<T> type, final String json) throws IOException {
    return jsonMapper.readValue(json, type);

You always read JSON to a POJO, so let's be precise and clear, and use ObjectReader.

// Suggestion 2:
public static <T> T toObject2(final Class<T> type, final String json) throws IOException {
    return jsonMapper.readerFor(type).readValue(json);

// Suggestion 3:
public static <T> T toObject3(final Class<T> type, final String json) throws IOException {
    return jsonReader.forType(type).readValue(json);

There is no difference, really. Both methods will construct a new ObjectReader object: the former (jsonMapper.readerFor(type)) will give you a fully-built instance directly, the latter (jsonReader.forType(type)) will complement the not-yet-usable jsonReader and returns a ready-to-use object. I would rather go with option 2 because I don't want to keep that field.

You shouldn't worry about performance or thread-safety. Even though creating an ObjectMapper might be costly (or making a copy out of it), getting and working with ObjectReaders is lightweight and completely thread-safe.

From the Java documentation (emphasis mine):

Uses "mutant factory" pattern so that instances are immutable (and thus fully thread-safe with no external synchronization); new instances are constructed for different configurations. Instances are initially constructed by ObjectMapper and can be reused, shared, cached; both because of thread-safety and because instances are relatively light-weight.

I recently had these questions myself and decided on ObjectMapper#reader(InjectableValues) as a factory method. It's very handy particularly when you want to customise an ObjectReader slightly or, as it was in my case, to adjust a DeserializationContext.

That's an excellent question, by the way.

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