[ERROR] Failed to execute goal [32morg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.13.0:compile[m [1m(default-compile)[m on project [36mtn-hp-inc-gts-e4h-ws-keycloak-sample[m: [1;31mCompilation failure[m
[ERROR] [1;31m/C:/[Project]/[4,32] cannot access org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication[m
[ERROR] [1;31m bad class file: [.m2]\repository\org\springframework\boot\spring-boot\3.3.1\spring-boot-3.3.1.jar(org/springframework/boot/SpringApplication.class)[m
[ERROR] [1;31m class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 52.0[m
[ERROR] [1;31m Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
Resolved by configured to Execution Environment.
Instead of Alternate JRE from reference URL, as if project been shared by a team via Git/SVN, which develop at different environments.
If running from Eclipse (e.g. Maven commands), you need to be using the right JDK version for Run As -> Maven. Ensure that your JRE version is selected appropriately under the JRE tab: