
From - An.Inconvenient.Truth.2006.

From “An.Inconvenient.Truth.2006.”

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vb.net time format string.

Format(Now, "h")System.FormatException was unhandled
Input string was not in a correct format.
FormatDateTime(Now, DateFormat.ShortTime)19:36 (in 24 hour)
Now.ToString(" h")
7 (in 12 hour)
Now.Hour.ToString(" h")h (not appear figure in hour)

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Formatting Dates and Times

Formatting Dates and Times

A format string for date/time values can use one of the predefined string values shown in the following table.

Long DateDDisplays a date in long date format.
Short DatedDisplays a date in short date format.
Long TimeTDisplays a date in long date format.
Short TimetDisplays a date in short date format.
FDisplays the long date and long time.
fDisplays the long date and short time.
gDisplays the short date and short time.
MmDisplays the month and the day of a date.
YyFormats the date as the year and month.

Examples of applying a format string to date/time values are shown in the following table.

Format(Now,"D")Thursday, November 29, 2007
Format(Now,"T")3:20:02 AM
Format(Now,"t")3:20 AM
Format(Now,"F")Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:20:02 AM
Format(Now,"f")Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:20 AM
Format(Now,"g")11/29/2007 3:20 AM
Format(Now,"m")November 29
Format(Now,"y")November, 2007

kitten for adoption

Born/Found on 2007 Nov 25
Photo took on 2007 Nov 27

Bio status:
- healthy
- eyes still closing
- milk feeding

if any one interested, pls contact me before too late.

Open Adoption Closed on 2007 Nov 30.

TypeInitializationException was unhandled

Public g_sptCompany As new clsCompany

fixed by:
Public g_sptCompany As clsCompany
g_sptCompany = new clsCompany

Then VS2005 show me in the clsCompany constructor have some errors in VS2005 errors list, then easy to fix.

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