
eclipse: steps for [New Java Project]/[Create project from existing source.]

eclipse: steps for [New Java Project]/[Create project from existing source.]

  1. Create new workplace.

  2. Configure(add) JRE 1.5 ([Window > Preferences]>[Java > Installed JREs > Add])

    1. browse jdk1.5.0_12 directory. -> click OK.

    2. select the JRE which just added. -> click OK.

    3. (need to change Compiler compliance level@Window.Preference.Java.Compiler)

  3. Configure Tomcat version:

    1. Select Tomcat version 5.x

    2. browse Tomcat Home -> click OK.

    3. -> click Apply.

  1. Create New Project (pure new/from existing source)

    1. File > New > Project

    2. Java > Java Project.-> Click Next.

    3. -> Type Project Name

    4. Choose Contents -> Click Create Project from existing source.

    5. Browse source directory(location path) -> Click OK.

    6. Optional to check Add project to working set. -> Click Next

  2. go to Libraries tab

    1. Check if Tomcat doesn't in the list.

      1. (create user libraries for tomcat - jasper-runtime.jar, jsp-api.jar, servlet-api.jar)

  3. database xml Configuration

    1. edit config.xml (path, port, id, password)

    2. edit hibernate.cfg.xml (path, port, id, password)


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