
gzip status progress shell script with Pipe Viewer

Pipe Viewer Source URL: http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml

If you don't have Pipe Viewer Current version: 1.5.7:
CentOS / RHEL:Set up my YUM repository or use RepoForge, then do "yum install pv".

Source URL 1 of 2:

$ bar file1 | wc -l 
$ pv file1 | wc -l

$ tail -n 100 file1 | bar | wc -l
$ tail -n 100 file1 | pv | wc -l

$ copy <(bar file1) file2
$ copy <(pv file1) file2

bar --in-file /dev/rmt/1cbn --out-file \
     tape-restore.tar --size 2.4g --buffer-size 64k

Source URL 2 of 2:

$ pv database1.sql.gz | gunzip | mysql -u root -p database1

$ pv database1.sql.gz | gunzip | mysql -uroot -p database1
  593MiB 1:00:33 [ 225kiB/s] [====================>              ] 58% ETA 0:42:25

mysqldump -uroot -p database1 | pv | gzip -9 > database1.sql.gz

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