
JUnit5 @RunWith


In JUnit 5, the @RunWith annotation has been replaced by the more powerful @ExtendWith annotation.


4. Migrating from a JUnit4-Based Runner 

Let's now migrate a test that uses a JUnit4-based runner to JUnit5.

We're going to use a Spring test as an example:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = { SpringTestConfiguration.class })
public class GreetingsSpringTest {
    // ...

If we want to migrate this test to JUnit5 we need to replace the @RunWith annotation with the new @ExtendWith:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = { SpringTestConfiguration.class })
public class GreetingsSpringTest {
    // ...

The SpringExtension class is provided by Spring 5 and integrates the Spring TestContext Framework into JUnit 5. The @ExtendWith annotation accepts any class that implements the Extension interface.


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