
Multi-Domain (SAN/UCC) SSL certificates

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What is a Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate?
A multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate is the perfect solution for situations where you need to secure multi-level subdomains. It allows encrypting multiple levels of subdomains with one certificate. Like the wildcard certificate, it can work whether the sites are on the same or separate servers.


With a wildcard SSL certificate, the solution is a bit simpler. You can purchase 7 wildcard SSL certificates, to protect:

*. blog.domain.com

That’s still a lot of certificates to purchase and manage. A multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate allows you to purchase a single SSL certificate, and add the above 7 sites as SANs (subject alternative names) to the SSL certificate. This allows you to save a lot of money and hassle by purchasing and installing a single SSL certificate.

Bottom line: If you have multiple levels of subdomains, a multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate is your best option!


Choose Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate If You Want to...
Secure your website using impenetrable 256-bit symmetric encryption strength
Secure up to 250 fully qualified domain names
Secure unlimited sub-domains
Have unlimited server licenses
Save money, time and efforts
Streamline your SSL management
Authenticate your site using domain or organization validation


SAN (Subject Alternative Names) is the previous keyword i found:

to hv
supported in
*.google.com ssl


this round i found:

Multi-Domain (SAN/UCC) SSL certificates

is the one with SAN supported
They’re also called Unified Communications SSL certificates


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